Tag: Heelfip
A list of tricks related to Heelflip. Use 3D models and analyze the trick in detail.
The Science of HEELFLIP - Key's in Biomechanics
How does a Heelflip really work? Because sometimes, you can't flip your board even when you flick as hard as possible, or even if it does, it goes behind you.
Posted: 2024-06-21 20:39:10Last updated: 2024-06-22 17:46:42
How to Heelflip - Why it does NOT flip and how to solve it
Heelflip. Intuitively, it seems easy. It's just a matter of ONE flip, and everyone should know that human legs are strong enough to flip a skateboard. So, if it doesn't, don't try to flick harder because it's not about strength.
Posted: 2024-06-02 09:26:53Last updated: 2024-06-02 16:22:33