AI Form Analyzer
- Automatically Visualize Body Angles by Uploading a Video
An AI powered tool that lets you effortlessly track the angle of your body by simply uploading a video. A perfect tool to analyze and visualize body angles, helping you perfect movements in sports and tricks.

How to use
Upload a Video
Select a file, play the video, and the system automatically analyzes it.
The system overlays and visualizes quantified body axis angles on the video, making it easier to assess form. Filming the body from a side view within the video allows for more effective analysis.
And More
The angle data analyzed by the system is displayed as numerical values in the system’s sidebar, providing additional insights for more detailed analysis.
System Features

Angle Visualizer
The system visualizes angles by overlaying them on the uploaded video. It connects the center of both feet and the head with a red line.

Angle Value
The angle information calculated by the system is displayed in the sidebar. Use it for more detailed analysis.

Location Value
The system quantifies and displays the positions of both feet and the head. Refer to this data for analysis.

Multi Device
The system operates across various environments, including PCs, smartphones, and tablets. For detailed analysis, using a PC is recommended.
What can this system do?
This system automatically detects and visualizes the body axis angle of a person in an uploaded video. It's perfect for measuring body angles during drop-ins, grind tricks, and other maneuvers.
What file formats are supported?
As long as your browser can play the file, this system will support it.
Which angle is displayed?
The system displays the angle of the line connecting the position between both feet and the head. On the video, this appears as a red line segment.
The system estimates the form of people in the background
Try pausing the video and adjusting the seek bar, or use the arrow keys on your PC to move the playback position back and forth.
How is data privacy protected?
Uploaded video data is securely managed and is not shared with third parties.
Can I use it on my smartphone?
Yes, it’s accessible from both PCs and smartphones. Since it’s a browser-based app, there's no need to install any application.
Is it free to use?
Yes, all features are available for free.