Skateboarding Stance List

Please lend me your knowledge to end this futile battle between Frontside/Backside.

Vote for the name you think is correct based on the explanation of each trick.

This battle will surely come to an end if we can gather everyone's opinions and spread correct knowledge.

Leading Foot: Left
Popping Foot: Right
Board Spin: Counterclockwise
Body Spin: Counterclockwise

Whythetrick's Take: Frontside 180You can't go wrong with this one. It is a Frontside 180 when your front foot is facing forward in the main stance and open your body and board.

Total Votes: 89



Leading Foot: Left
Popping Foot: Right
Board Spin: Clockwise
Body Spin: Clockwise

Whythetrick's Take: Backside 180It's another obvious trick. If you close your body and board while your front foot is facing forward in the main stance, it is a Backside 180. It is called Backside because the back faces the direction of travel.

Total Votes: 79



Leading Foot: Left
Popping Foot: Right
Board Spin: Clockwise
Body Spin: None

Whythetrick's Take: Backside Pop Shove-itThe simplest rotation trick. The board is rotated by popping the tail with the back foot while in the main stance. The direction of rotation is the same as the Backside 180.

Total Votes: 71



Leading Foot: Left
Popping Foot: Right
Board Spin: Counterclockwise
Body Spin: None

Whythetrick's Take: Frontside Pop Shove-itAnother basic trick. Rotate the board in the direction of a Frontside 180 while rolling in the main stance.

Total Votes: 67



Leading Foot: Left
Popping Foot: Left
Board Spin: Counterclockwise
Body Spin: Counterclockwise

Whythetrick's Take: Nollie Frontside 180Pop the nose with the front foot while going in the same direction as the main stance. If you open your body in the same direction as the main stance Frontside 180, you do a Nollie Frontside 180.

Total Votes: 69



Leading Foot: Left
Popping Foot: Left
Board Spin: Clockwise
Body Spin: Clockwise

Whythetrick's Take: Nollie Backside 180Pop the nose with the front foot while going in the same direction as the main stance. If you rotate while closing your body in the same direction as the main stance, you can do a Nollie Backside 180.

Total Votes: 67



Leading Foot: Left
Popping Foot: Left
Board Spin: Clockwise
Body Spin: None

Whythetrick's Take: Nollie Backside Pop Shove-itThe front foot pops the nose while pushing it forward. This action itself is similar to a main stance Frontside Pop Shove-it, but the name of the trick is determined by the direction of rotation of the board. Therefore, this trick, in which the board rotates in the same direction as the Nollie Backside 180, is the Nollie Backside Pop Shove-it.

Total Votes: 77



Leading Foot: Left
Popping Foot: Left
Board Spin: Counterclockwise
Body Spin: None

Whythetrick's Take: Nollie Frontside Pop Shove-itThe trick where you pop the nose and spin the board while pulling the front foot backward is the Nollie Frontside Pop Shove-it. Note that in the main stance, pulling the popping foot is called Backside. However, how you use your body itself does not determine the name of the trick, but the rotation of the board does. So, this trick, in which the board rotates in the same direction as the Frontside 180, is Frontside.

Total Votes: 72



Leading Foot: Right
Popping Foot: Right
Board Spin: Counterclockwise
Body Spin: Counterclockwise

Whythetrick's Take: Fakie Frontside 180This is a trick with a name that is easily misunderstood. It is often mistaken for a Backside trick because the board rotates in such a way that the back faces the direction of travel. Note, however, that Fakie is "the main stance going backward." Therefore, the Frontside of the Fakie is in the same direction as the Frontside of the main stance.

Total Votes: 61



Leading Foot: Right
Popping Foot: Right
Board Spin: Clockwise
Body Spin: Clockwise

Whythetrick's Take: Fakie Backside 180This is another trick name that is easily misunderstood. While in Nollie, the action of opening the body to the direction of travel is the Frontside, it is Backside in Fakie. The Fakie stance is " the main stance going backward." So if you do a Backside spin by rotating your body clockwise in the main stance, you do a Backside spin in the Fakie stance by rotating the body in the same direction.

Total Votes: 57



Leading Foot: Right
Popping Foot: Right
Board Spin: Clockwise
Body Spin: None

Whythetrick's Take: Fakie Backside Pop Shove-itIf you spin only the board in the same direction as the Fakie Backside 180, it becomes the Fakie Backside Pop Shove-it. It is easy to imagine why this trick is called the Backside since you move the popping foot in the same way as the Backside Pop Shove-it in the main stance.

Total Votes: 52



Leading Foot: Right
Popping Foot: Right
Board Spin: Counterclockwise
Body Spin: None

Whythetrick's Take: Fakie Frontside Pop Shove-itThe Frontside is the same as the Backside. If pushing the popping leg forward in the main stance results in a Frontside Pop Shove-it, then the same can be said for the Fakie stance, which is "the main stance going backward."

Total Votes: 52



Leading Foot: Right
Popping Foot: Left
Board Spin: Clockwise
Body Spin: Clockwise

Whythetrick's Take: Switch Frontside 180In the Switch stance, the concept is completely reversed from the main stance. A regular-footed skater puts his right foot forward and uses the left foot to pop the tail in the Switch stance. Open the body clockwise and the trick and the skater does a Switch Frontside 180.

Total Votes: 51



Leading Foot: Right
Popping Foot: Left
Board Spin: Counterclockwise
Body Spin: Counterclockwise

Whythetrick's Take: Switch Backside 180Rotate your body and board in a way they close to the direction of travel in the Switch stance, then it becomes Switch Backside 180.

Total Votes: 52



Leading Foot: Right
Popping Foot: Left
Board Spin: Counterclockwise
Body Spin: None

Whythetrick's Take: Switch Backside Pop Shove-itThis is the complete reverse of the main stance. If you pop the board with your back foot in the Switch stance and spin only the board in the same direction as the Switch Backside 180, you have the Switch Backside Pop Shove-it.

Total Votes: 48



Leading Foot: Right
Popping Foot: Left
Board Spin: Clockwise
Body Spin: None

Whythetrick's Take: Switch Frontside Pop Shove-itPopping the board with the back foot in the Switch position and spinning only the board in the same direction as the Switch Frontside 180 is the Switch Frontside pop Shove-it.

Total Votes: 51



2 Replies to “Skateboard Stance List - Vote and build the ULTIMATE KNOWLEDGE BASE”

  1. Thank you for reading this page.
    Hope this page helps someone.

    By the way, do you think there are "Switch Nollie" stance or even "Switch Switch" stance? Not sure but I think there are.
    Please leave your comment here!

  2. I always thought regular and fakie made sense since fakie is just going backwards in your regular stance. I think it's weird that same idea doesn't hold for switch and nollie. A switch back shuv is different than a nollie back shuv even though in my opinion you're still in the switch stance. It gets rid of the logic used to describe regular/fakie tricks.

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