List of tricks

How to BS Extreme Carving with Freestyle Board

This time, I'll explain how to Backside Extreme Carving with a common freestyle board and setting. You don't have to…

Science of Frontside 180 - Explained with 3D models

Once you learn how to Ollie, try Frontside 180s, which are great tricks to improve your skateboarding skills. There are…

Science of No Comply 180 explained with 3D models.

No Comply 180. There is profound science behind this seemingly simple trick. Think about it. In the case of a…

How-to Drop in EASY & SAFE with AI and Psychology

So, how do you drop in? Just commit? No. Of course, you will eventually have to commit, but understanding human…

Science of Slappy Noseslide explained using 3D models

Slappy Noseslide. Everyone can do this trick without an Ollie. You will love the feeling of the deck being scraped…

How to Float Out Ollie from Physics Perspective

If you think your Ollie does not float, no matter how much you slide

How to Fall Safely in Skateboarding

Falling is always scary. But when you fall, you are trying something you are not used to. Falling is the…

Physics of Foot plant on flat ground

There are countless ways to have fun in skateboarding without an Ollie.

How to Heelflip - Why it does NOT flip and how to solve it

Heelflip. Intuitively, it seems easy. It's just a matter of ONE flip, and everyone should know that human legs are…

How to Kickflip - LOGIC, PHYSICS, and PHYSIOLOGY

Intuitively, it seems you can effectively flip the board by applying a downward force to it as it comes up…

BS Pop Shove-it Late Under Varial Double Flip

Unlike how it might look, the concept is simple. You should be able to do this trick if you can…

Science of Scoop - Difference with Swinging

"Scoop" is a common expression in skateboarding, but what exactly is it, and how is it different from pushing or…

Biomechanics of nose manual

Are you scared of nose manuals? I'm more than terrified. Although they are easy on flat ground, they become tricky…

Physics of BS pivot in skateboarding

Whether it's a BS bigger flip, a bigspin, or a 180, pivot always helps.

Dynamics of BS180: Exploring the Angular Momentum and Moment of Inertia

Is it really because of your shoulders' rotation that your backside 180 is not spinning?

Basics of BS Slappy 50-50 Grind that you lift the nose

This is a trick that you step on the tail and lift the nose to lock-in. Although this may not…

Physiologically effective timing of Ollie

Timing matters. When your Ollie becomes rocketed or low, that could be because of timing rather than a lack of…

Directon of front foot in Ollie in skateboarding

This content focuses on theories of an Ollie and mainly uses a physics engine. If you want more real-life-based skate…

How to lift the tail in Ollie with science

Your front foot and body goes up as you pop the tail. So sliding the nose forward brings the nose…

Why does a kickflip stick to the front foot?

You flick your board as hard as possible, but it sticks to your front foot and wouldn't flip while you…

Efficiency of Pop shove-it according to science

When I started skating, I always had difficulty completing a full rotation in my pop shove-it. My board spun 90…

Why does your Ollie turn? Let's scientifically break it down

Last time, we went over the basics of an Ollie. As a common problem, you might have hard time keeping…

Science of leveling an Ollie

Leveling Ollie requires much more than a simple pop of your back foot.

Should you learn Treflip after Varial Flip?

We will analyze the scientific difference between a Varial Flip and a Treflip. They flip due to entirely different mechanics,…

Comparison between Varial Kickflip and Kickflip

Some say, "Varial Kickflips are easier than Kickflips" or "Trelfip is even easier." But why? How can more complicated tricks…

Nollie BS Shove-it - How to spin forward

How do you spin your board forward? I mean, you can't bend your knee forward, can you?

The line of sight in backside 50-50

Where you look at determines where you lock in. And whether you can lock in effectively or not is strongly…

Treflip weight distribution and landing back on your board

This time we talk about this common saying: Treflips are easier when moving. I, too, personally think you should try…

Function of front foot in Treflip

We have been saying different things about the function of the front foot in Treflips. In fact, there's no such…

Pop Shove-it weight distribution

Spinning is not the hardest part of pop shove-its. It is to land back on your deck. Sometimes your board…

Why Pop Shove-it flips and how to avoid it

You may have difficulty keeping your board flat in your Pop Shove-it. Considering some skaters can Pop Shove-it, Treflip, and…

Key to consistent Treflip - Scoop when your body's going up

Some people can Treflip or Shove-it so lightly. Understanding how a steezy Treflip is possible helps you land yours. Above…

The mechanics of Treflip

Treflips are all in the back foot. And you don't have to use your front foot. Whenever I heard this,…

Treflip is all about the Scoop but what is it after all?

So what is the scoop in Treflip? Skaters have been trying to but failing to effectively answer this question NOT…

Weight distribution of kickflip and how to land it

Learn proper weight distribution to land back on your deck. Let's go back to school and talk about some essential…

Kickflip not flipping - You might be popping wrong

Pop is the most underrated yet the most critical part of skateboarding tricks. You must understand the difference between jumping…

Secret behind kickflip flick explained scientifically

Are you having hard time flipping your board even when you think you are flicking as hard as possible? What…

List of knowledge related articles

What is wheelbase in skateboarding and what does it do?

Wheelbase. Simply put, it is the distance between the front and rear wheels. It varies among deck and truck brands,…

Simulating the skate park at the Olympic venue in the 3D world! Analysis of the structure of the park and the winning trick!

Did you all have a chance to watch the Paris Olympics? I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation…

Analyze the impact of the kicktail angle using the Physics Engine

Have you ever wanted to change your deck when a trick doesn't work?

Impact of Carbon Fiber in Skateboarding with Almost Double Impact

Almost Skateboards is known for its highly skilled riders and decks that feature cutting-edge technology. The Double Impact seriese have…